"The Reiki training room is beautiful and Corinne has an incredible energy".
Lynsey LeKeux
"I walked home feeling much LIGHTER as if a weight had been lifted from me".
Gill Mills, Poole
Contact: Corinne on 0770 4158052
"Thousands of candles can be lit by a single candle" ~ Buddha ~
I can highly recommend training in these Reiki courses if you feel anxious, stressed, directionless in your life, needing empowerment, guidance and motivation and above all a more harmonious and calm life. It also heals dormant unhealed energy, leading us to discover our Authentic Self as opposed to the Culturally Created Self. Release all that you no longer need and lead a fullfilled and happy life going forward. Full certification given.
Payment required in full or a 50% deposit at time of booking please. All courses are taught on a one-to-one, personal basis and therefore I can cover all teachings in one day for Levels I and II. I provide free post course help and advice for life and will be there for you throughout your reiki journey. Course fees are non refundable but please be assured dates are fully tranferable at a time to suit you.
Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Level I (Shoden) - One day course 10.00 - 3.00 £155
Course covers: Overview and History of Dr Mikao Usui, Dr Hayashi and Mrs Takata, Hand Positions for treating self and others, the Usui system of Reiki Healing, The Four Aspects, The Nine Elements, The 5 Precepts, The Three Pillars of Reiki: Gassho, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo, Reijus, Byosen Scanning, Dry Bathing (Kenyoku), Spiritual Practices to enhance your spirituality and connection to the Source, The Aura, Chakras, Meridians and Using Reiki plus your 3 Attunements and 3 Placements. Plus lots of practice. Certificate and Manual, plus free ongoing help and guidance for life. At this level you can give reiki to yourself for self healing and to family and friends.
Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Level II (Okuden) - One day course (if you have taken Level I with me)
10.00 - 3.00 £195
Course covers: A recap of all Reiki Level I elements plus receive the 3 Reiki symbols, their origins, meaning and uses, and 2 Attunements and Placements. We then cover the Tanden, The Three Diamonds, Advanced Japanese Reiki Techniques, Japanese Spiritual Practices to enhance your connection to the Source, what it means to be a Reiki Practitioner and Developing your own Reiki Practice. Practitioner's Certificate for Insurance purposes. Plus lots of practice and free ongoing guidance and help for life. At this level you become a Reiki Practitioner and can open your own practice and charge clients.
Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher course (Shinpiden) - Three days 10.00 - 3.00 £550
Course covers: Overview of Levels I and II, What is Holy Fire III?, receive the Usui Traditional Master attunement plus 4 Holy Fire III Master Ignitions, receive Holy Fire Experiences and Holy Love I, II and III Experiences. Learn about how to compile a Reiki Grid, Using Crystals, Usui/Tibetan/Holy Fire Master Symbols and learn how to give and teach the traditional Usui Master Attunements, Holy Fire III Placements and Experiences, learn Advanced Japanese Reiki Techniques, Japanese Spiritual Practices, how to use the Antahkarana symbol, Healing Attachments, Psychic Surgery, The Violet Breath, Reiki Moving Meditation, Example Class Outlines and advice on creating a thriving Reiki practice. Plus lots of practice. This is the level at which you can start to teach your own students.
Accedited Master Teacher Certificate for Insurance for your own Teaching Practice. This is the full Masters course with ART (Advanced Reiki Training) included. You can take this course even if you do not want to teach at this stage.
Please contact me to arrange suitable dates.
Bonus Offer of £100 with this course: All course materials you will need to start quickly creating your own teaching practice including 3 Manuals for Level I, II and Master courses, 3 Powerpoint presentations, Supplements and Lineage, provided to you electronically on a pen drive.
REFRESHER REIJUS (Attunements) AND PLACEMENTS - 30 minutes £25
If you have taken Reiki courses quite some time ago and you would like another attunement, this is ideal for you.